We always like to stop at the Tillamook Cheese Factory on our way to the Nehalem house. We usually make ourselves sick though with all the cheese samples and ice cream we eat. I can't believe how much ice cream they put in their milkshakes, and they only have one size option. I know I have the option of not drinking the whole thing but I have issues of throwing food/treats away....I think it has something to do with my childhood. We rarely got treats, and when we did we finished the whole thing. We had a really nice visit with Grandpa Dewey. It was quiet and low key but nice. We also got to sleep in the master bedroom! tee hee:) Here are some pictures of the beach. Most are of Isaiah because it is close to impossible to get Daniel to pose for a picture and absolutely impossible to get Grandpa.

I think Isaiah is pleased with the amount of ice cream he was given. I was shocked that he couldn't finish it all. He actually threw some away.

I got in line first for the cheese samples and Isaiah and Daniel came after people had already lined up behind me. Daniel wouldn't let Isaiah cut and he wasn't too happy about that. I can only imagine the conversation they are having in this picture. Daniel is an amazing dad and he has so much patience for Isaiah....until he starts pouting or whining:)

I took Isaiah down to the beach while Daniel and John worked a little. Isaiah surprised me with his willingness to take pictures. It was a fun time.

Isaiah running as fast as he could down the hill by the sand dunes....and yes he did biff it towards the bottom and we both had a good laugh.

Isaiah chucking rocks into the ocean. Look at that nice follow through. :)

Last year we went to the beach with Nicole and Gilbert, Nate and Erika, and Dave and Jessica. The guys built a fort with the kids by the sand dunes. Isaiah was thrilled when he found it was still there! :) He cracks me up. He was jumping and hollering, "Mom, mom, look, our fort is still here!"

This was the only shot I could get of these two. This is at Hug Point. When we came back around, Isaiah got wet all the way to the waist. He was a little freaked out with the waves crashing on him and had a little bit of a cry. Daniel wasn't very sympathetic and that made it even worse. When Isaiah safely made it through, he declared that he would not be doing that again.....we'll see about that.
That Daniel isn't very nice! First the no-butting rule and then the water...:) Ha! He really is a great dad. I think you guys are a cute and fun family! I LOVED the big cheesy grin on Isaiah with the icecream....that is the biggest smile I've seen!! I love it! So glad you guys had fun
I wish I could have been there with Isaiah at the beach. I would have loved finding last year's fort. I have yet to make a beach maze for Isaiah. There never seems to be enough time. Good luck getting pictures of those two.x
I would have finished Isaiah's ice cream. I also have an issue with throwing away treats. I'd rather make my self sick that toss it in the garbage.
Dave was shocked that the fort was still there too!
I just found your blog through Nicole and Gilbert's- fun!!
Jessica Fuhriman
Awww. Cute pictures of you guys. Especially the one with my dad and Dan in it. Makes me miss everybody.
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