While Isaiah was gone last weekend, Daniel and I had a chance to date each other again. We had a really fun weekend. We didn't do anything big, we just got to spend the whole weekend together without any distractions. It was really nice. On Friday night we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant on the river front.

After dinner we went to our favorite dessert spot Francesco's. We love gelato year round!
Daniel loved sitting at opposite sides of this huge table they have upstairs.

The next morning we got up early and drove to Longview, Washington for eye appointments. My Uncle is an eye doctor and he takes care of us for free, glasses and all! It is really nice of him and it gives us a chance to see him since he lives so far away. The first thing he said when he saw us is, "Where's Isaiah?" I've been going to him since I was a kid so it made me feel really old.

After our appointments we were probably there for another two hours trying on glasses! The funny part is it was Daniel who was being so fussy about his glasses.

These are the pair that he really wanted but I wouldn't let him get them. He kept going back to them until we walked out the door.

These ones really brought out the color of his skin:)

Here are our old people glasses. Seriously these glasses age us about 50 years!

The scary thing about these glasses is they cost $500.00! I don't know if you can see the bling on the side but that is why. The brand is Diva. I tried on every pair that they have. I loved them because they were all so "blingalized" as my nieces would say, but every pair made me look like an 80 year old lady.

That night we ordered pizza and watched a movie. I know it's not anything big but it just felt nice. It seriously felt like we were dating again but with all the benefits of being married:)
How awesome! See the thing is, you and Dan have never been able to be just married... You've always had a kid. That's so cool you guys were able to enjoy your time together... and get some while you were at it! :)
Aww, you guys are cute. It sounds like excellent dates both nights! Lucky!
Sooo glad you could have such a fun date! I laughed so hard at the different glasses pictures. It's amazing how much glasses will change things. You guys are so cute. I love how much fun you have together!
Yeah for date night! You need those from time to time! You guys are adorable together!
The glasses pictures are great. Too bad you guys didn't bring any of them home... they provide a kind of intelligent yet disturbed look. :)
How fun! Sometimes you just NEED that, to keep you sane! You two are too cute. I love all the pictures. It is funny how some glasses can make you look older, geesh--the bling is pretty sweet though!
Cute pictures Stephanie! You look so happy! Yes Utah does have mission reunions every year... they have them for a bunch of missions. It's been fun going since we are living here at the time;-)
steph i LOVE the look of your new blog! HOW CUTE!!! and what a treat for you and daniel to have some alone time. i think that it is so important, but doesn't happen often enough. good for you! sounds like a great weekend. :) with benefits...
How fun! I'm so glad you got some alone time. Now...can you guys come sit for us for a week so we can have some alone time?! Ha!
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