Doesn't this look like a spider that you don't want hanging around your house? Well we have two of them! This one is outside my garage door in the back yard. If you don't duck you
will get web all over you. Daniel thinks they are pretty?!?!? I have to admit that when we took the pictures, and could see all the details and hairs, it's looks really cool....but it still makes me cringe. I mean just imagine that thing crawling on you! Daniel doesn't want to knock the webs down because he says they catch all the other annoying bugs flying around. The only reason I have agreed to it is because if they are on their webs, then I know they aren't in my house! You keep your friends close and your enemies closer right?

This is the one outside my kitchen window. What should I name him/her? Does anyone know how you can tell the sex of a spider? Maybe I will read up on them.
I thought this was a cool shot. It looks like the spider is on my camera lens.
Now moving on to pumpkin carving
Seriously these two crack me up.
Isaiah's design, Daniels work. Great pair.
Hey heather! Its Rachel Nye! I found your blog through Christa! How are you?? Those pictures of the spiders were freaky, athough I do not have a love of spiders. Take care! Our blog is keithandrachelnye.blogspot.com. It was fun checking out what you guys have been up to :)!
LOL!! I am sooo tired. I meant stephanie! I was just looking at heather strassers page and I mixed you two up! Take care :)
Aaaah! Those pictures scare me! I have Everybug Phobia.
I liked the pic of Isaiah's eyes crossed- did you know Dave can't do that??
Creepy spiders! Gave me the chills. Here is Maryland we get these sprickets they are disgusting creatures half spider half crickets and they jump! Jason laughs at me because they freak me out so much, but this time of the year is the worst because it is cold outside so they are constantly getting in the house to keep warm. Luckily we have a cat!
Are you freakin kidding me with those spiders??!! I would die seeing those things! I couldn't sleep until they were gone! On the bright side, your pumpkins turned out cute and you guys are all cute little pumpkins yourself!:)
GROSS!!! THAT IS FREAKING DISGUSTING!!!! i hate spiders! you are a better women than i am. those things would have been LONG GONE if they lived at my house. :P bleck!!
Why aren't you smackin those things between two shoes? Oh my goodness those are creepy!! Hmmmm....I'm thinking that you must be living by those hippies too long and have become spider environmentalists. Have fun with your observations but don't get bit!! I LOVE the pumpkin pictures. You're right...those two crack me up too! You have a fun family!!
sick, I'll ask Jeremy hot to tell them apart, I'm pretty sure it involves getting much to close for comfort.
The carving pumpkin desgin was great! I love that the pumpkin is eating/crushing the little pumpkin. Genius, you have a very creative child on your hands.
You have all freaked me out so much that I think I have to ask Daniel to kill those spiders. They just scare me so much that I think if I kill them their posse is going to come after me:)
Seriously Steph, those are awful! I totally thought you picked up those pics from the internet before I read your story. EEEEK! Love the pumpkins, oh so cute. Your men are too funny!
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