Isaiah playing a little soccer with his cousin Ethan.
Uncle Adam wrestling with all the kids. This is definitely a favorite with all the little boys and thankfully there were no tears this time.
Little Kate trying to pick up uncle Daniel. She loves him!
Highlight of the sisters night; trying to get our husbands to pose for a picture. I love how they all have there arms folded.
Getting a little more comfortable....
...maybe a little too comfortable for our cop Rich!
Now in complete submission to their wives whining. "Puleaaaaze do a pyramid for us!!" What a bunch of sweeties!
After a long day of running from place to place, eating, and playing, the kids were all a little tired which equals silliness.
Teenagers. Gotta love them. I do!
Sweet little Christopher adding his silly face.
Bear with me I have two more weeks of extended family posting to go!
We decided to head out and go fishing for Memorial Day weekend. We went about 40 miles east looking for a fishing hole along the South Santiam River. The Salmon were swimming upstream so it was supposed to be a great time to go. We found a great spot but unfortunately it was already occupied by some locals. The told us of another hole right down the path but we would most likely only catch trout. (I don't think any of us were really thinking we would ever catch salmon anyway. We headed down the path and there was this huge fallen tree in the way. I went first and crossed right over it. Isaiah went next but he decided he wanted to walk down it. Just as Daniel was saying, "Careful bud it might be a little..." and whoosh right off the log Isaiah went down the bank and right into the river. I saw it all out of the corner of my eye and two thoughts quickly crossed my mind. The first was I hope he didn't land on any rocks and the second was I am SO glad he is on swim team and becoming a stronger swimmer. He climbed right out and was fine but then started to cry because of the shock of it all, (I'm sure the water was just a tad cold as well:).