We had a great spring break this year. The weather was AMAZING! I can't remember the last spring break we've had with actual sun. The first part of our break brought us to Astoria. Astoria, oh how I love you. I have many, many fond memories visiting cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma out on the Fernhill Holly Farm. Literally acres and acres of land to explore. This town also holds special memories for me because it was down on the docks with the barking seals that my then boyfriend proposed to me. Below is a picture of the tree in my grandma's yard that Daniel carved our names into. He started to carve STEPHANIE and after he got to STE he decided that was good enough. This tree brings a smile to my face.

Did I mention that the Timmerman's have amazing gardens? This is my aunt Evelyn's garden. She is prepping it for the season. This is my DREAM garden. You should see it when it is in full production. All kinds of yummy fruits and veggies to eat fresh!

I had to snap a quick shot of the boys in the loft playing in their PJ's. These are the exact teenage mutant ninja turtles that my cousins and I played with growing up.

The kids running off to more adventures. This one is on the other side of the farm.

What a great trip!
The latter part of the week Daniel took some time off of work so we could go camping. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. We still found some great things to do here in Corvallis. The night before Daniel and Isaiah ventured out to the river to drop our crawdad trap. We got up early the next morning to go retrieve it.

Unfortunately it had rained all night and the water level had risen so much that we couldn't get out to it the next day. It's still out there. Just waiting for some sunny days to bring the water down.

It was so early that Daniel fell asleep at the wheel and Isaiah had to take over.
Later that day we decided to drive along the Alcea and find a new fishing spot. Isaiah's friend Gavin came with us which was a lot of fun.

Isaiah caught his first fish!! Daniel has been dying for this to happen for him. From the mouth of Isaiah, "I've caught fish before in ponds filled with fish but never in the wild! This is awesome!" For the rest of the day he was saying, "I can't believe I caught a fish! Can you believe I caught a fish?)

Later that day we decided to drive along the Alcea and find a new fishing spot. Isaiah's friend Gavin came with us which was a lot of fun.