I haven't posted in a long time and I am tired of seeing my Christmas post on there......but now I am adding more:) We did so many fun things and I got too busy after the Holidays to post them so I am going to do that now.

Every year the "Vrtiska" side of our family celebrates Christmas with a service project and family dinner. My sister Erica hosted it and we had a blast. Santa comes and all the kids get to sit on his lap and receive a present. Santa is actually Grandpa but some of the younger kids are still fooled. Santa as a bell he rings and says "HO HO HO" A LOT! He makes the night so fun. I am sad that I didn't take any pictures of Santa this year.

For our service project this year we made Holiday signs to give away. My amazing sister Bridget organized it all and we had a great time making them together.

I had to add these pictures of my sweet nieces Alex and Lauren. They are so excited when their aunties come over. They make you feel like a Rock Star. They're adorable!
Isaiah was thrilled to sit at the little, little kids table. The Little kids table was full. I love how Jeffrey is looking at Isaiah in this picture. He really adores Isaiah. Last time we went to visit them his mom said, "Isaiah's coming to visit today."
Jeffrey:"I LOVE Isaiah!"
When we showed up Jeffrey followed Isaiah around the whole time mimicking everything he did. Very cute.
The "Dewey" side of our family got together at the coast house for a little celebrating. It was a really fun weekend and it was nice to see family that we don't always get to see.

Isaiah very excited to open his first present this Holiday season.

Grandma Dewey's toys are always a big hit for the kids. The new toys that trip were Gormiti's. We ended up getting Isaiah some for Christmas. Isaiah was talking to Grandma Dewey the other day on the phone and they were comparing their Gormiti's. Each of them have different powers and some are bigger than others so Isaiah was trying to figure out if his army was more powerful than grandma's.

Christmas bells are one of my favorite things. I wanted to purchase some this year but just about died when I saw the price. I called my MIL and asked her if she owned any. Of course she did and I asked her to bring them when she came. It was so cute and fun to watch the kids, and Grandma, create some festive music.

This guy won the cute prize. He was so fun to watch. He only had one note but he took it very seriously. His face was very serious watching for grandma to point to him and when she did he would brighten up, ring his bell, and then he would lower his eyes down and smile shyly. It was adorable.

Grandpa tried hard but it's really hard to get a picture out of Isaiah anymore.

Now back to the Vrtiska's we go for a New Year's celebration.

We love to eat in my family.

My nieces brought over their Guitar Hero. My niece Ashley above is AMAZING at guitar. She plays expert and rarely misses a note.

Grandpa really got into it and decided to pull out all of his cowboy hats.
Seriously, who holds drum sticks like that? Absolutely NO skills whatsoever in the drumming world. I did provide entertainment for my two sisters watching and laughing at me though!

After our New Year celebration we headed off to Bend to visit my sister Debora's family. Above the boys are in their "ninja" clothes, as they like to call them. We were heading up to the mountain to go tubing.

from left to right: Justin, Stephan, Isaiah, and Jarom. They were so excited.

Isaiah could hardly contain himself. It was a little weird for me this year because Isaiah is getting older and so are his cousins. The boys went up and down the mountain all on their own.

There's nothing like sitting in the hot tub in the snow.

Isaiah could hardly contain himself. It was a little weird for me this year because Isaiah is getting older and so are his cousins. The boys went up and down the mountain all on their own.

There's nothing like sitting in the hot tub in the snow.