Our view this summer

Daniel commuted to Portland for the first two months of this summer. We did a lot of driving. Isaiah and I would usually drive Daniel up on Sunday night and then go home because Isaiah had baseball and swimming. Daniel would stay with his Aunts until Friday when we would drive back up to get him. Many hours spent in the car with a very boisterous six year old. I always forget about the DVD thing so I found myself saying "uh huh" and "yeah" a lot. I gave Isaiah my camera on one trip to keep him busy. Here is some of what I found on my camera.

(He made this blanket with his Grandma Dewey. I love this picture he took because it shows him scratching his blanket how he always does. The scratch is accompanied with a sort of sucking and humming noise).

Hello lips!
Isaiah also loves music. He got to know all the Disney songs very well this summer. My favorite is this one from Pinocchio.
(sorry for the shakiness. Iwas driving and just holding my camera on my steering wheel).

Isaiah has needed a new bike for a long time. Now that Daniel is commuting every day to McMinnville we are left without a car. Everything is so close here in Corvallis so it is nice to ride our backs around but Isaiah was having to work so hard because his bike was so small. I was excited when my dad called and said his neighbor was going to give Isaiah his son's old bike for free! Isaiah was very excited as well.