The last Vrtiska girl is married off! I can't believe my baby sister is married! I am so happy for her and thought she looked gorgeous on her special day.
We took her to The Melting Pot for her bachelorette party.
I think this face displays both excitement with a touch of nerves for the day to come.
Half of my crazy sisters.
And here is the rest!
This picture doesn't display the shaking hands of both the bride and the photographer (me)!
I was so darn emotional! Good thing she has other sisters to help her keep it together.
Debora was such a trooper. This girls ready to deliver any day now!

Of course I am
Obsessed with shoes, so here are the brides...

....and some of the bridesmaids.
The kids waiting ever so patiently for the bride to be ready.

some of the patience is leaving now...
....okay we're ready already!
After the ceremony one of the chickies pulled the fire alarm.
Don't worry tax dollars well spent. All the kids got some free fireman stickers!

Our big family photo.

Our new brother-in-law. Now we have two Daniel's!

Two peas in a pod.
Monica Vrtiska Long and Stephanie Vrtiska Dewey. The last two girls with the Vrtiska name.
I have to give some recognition to my mom for planning, preparing, and pulling off eight weddings in 18 years! She is one amazing lady!