It has been a while since I have last posted so I will do a quick run down of the events and happenings in the Dewey household for that last month. It has been a busy month filled with a lot of fun. My Nana came to stay with us for a week at the end of March. She has dementia and is living with my parents. My dad is an amazing person for all that he does! She is a very pleasant person and I love her dearly, but her condition makes it very difficult and tiring at times. I thought I would give my dad a break and take the opportunity to enjoy some time with her. Family is so important to me and I love both my grandma's very much. There is so much you can learn from those who have lived a full life. It is nice to see my husband and son interact with her as well.

My cousin Roman lives here in Corvallis. We took Nana out to gelato so she could visit with him. She absolutely adores him. It was quite funny to watch and listen to her brag about her grandson. Due to her condition, we did hear the same thing over and over again, and explained who he was, and where we were, but for the few moments in that conversation it was nice.

Daniel was such a sweetheart to Nana. She loved my grandpa Frank so much and misses him. She loves to be on a man's arm and Daniel was always so sweet to walk her around and make her feel like the lady of the night.
This video is funky and not the best camera job but I was cracking up. Daniel was salsa dancing with Nana's walker. He sure does know how to make us laugh!
After Nana's visit we drove back up to Hillsboro to visit family and celebrate Easter.
Our first stop was at my nephews 5th birthday party. It was a lot of fun!
I love this picture! It's so nice for Isaiah to have so many cousins and it means so much to me for him to get to see them as much as possible.
Shortly after the party we headed over to my parents house to eagerly await the arrival of the Heiner family. I love these guys so much and miss them all the time. They live in Idaho, but I feel we have been fortunate to see them quite often for an out of state family.
This little stinker has soooo much personality! I could watch her all day long. She is always doing something funny and in fact, if you are not watching her she is probably getting into your make-up or lotion. She is a little comedian just like her mom, Mindy.

Anytime a sister comes and visits from out of town we try to get together and do something. This night was a blast!! We were missing Bridget and Monica joined us later. This was our first time renting a hotel downtown Portland for out sister's night. This was a great idea because we were able to stay up and play games as long as we wanted and not have any of our kids to wake us up in the morning. Thanks to all the husbands for letting us have this great night!

Next was our BIG family Easter egg hunt! Things just don't get any better than this. I am so lucky to have an amazing family!

The loot!

This was Christopher's first Easter egg hunt in America and in his life for that matter. He is such a sweet little boy with so much happiness for life. We are so lucky to have him in our family.

Next on our list is the wedding of my baby sister. I can't believe she is getting married! I am so happy for her and I love her so much. Her fiance's name is Daniel, so of course when we talk we are constantly saying, "your Daniel or mine?" It's kind of fun and makes us laugh but we are definitely going to have to come up with some sort of nickname for her Daniel since mine was first to join the family:)