I can't believe Daniel is 32! We had a fun birthday party for him. His friend Kirk came over for dinner and then a few of the neighbor kids came in to sing happy birthday and eat cake.

Isaiah and Kirk's dog

Daniel let Isaiah use his left handed club, yet Isaiah is standing on the wrong side. I don't remember how this shot worked out???
It was a practice swing I promise:)
Although we had a great time, I have to say this is my worst score ever!
I promised myself, and Isaiah, I would only force him to wear what I wanted him to wear the first day of school and on picture day. Today he picked out his own outfit. I have to admit I like his whole style of "not matching." I mean it is the new style right? I still think he looks so cute and I was always a little "different" when it came to style myself. I must say the Superman socks make the outfit.
He was so mad at me for taking a picture of him at school:)
Jeffers 2 - Lindsey and Adam Ordyna's
I think he looks like me as a toddler. Now that they cut all his curls off you can't see it as much.
Jarem 3 - Debora and Hodge Kerr
These two are inseparable. Jarem lives in Bend and Dallin lives in Beaverton so they get very excited when the family gets together.
Natalie 2
Natalie is the cutest little girl. I think she had a thing for Max:)
Her parents Jed and Crystal Foutz
These are some of our friends that used to live in Corvallis but moved to Hillsboro. They are awesome friends. As you can barely see they are expecting their second child soon!Gilbert, Nicole, Sam 4, and Max 2
Max's cheeze is classic! I love how red Sam's face gets when he plays. He puts a lot of energy into it!
Emma 4 - Again Lindsey and Adams
This girls a brute but...believe it or not she quite soccer because a girl pushed her.
Lindsey and Adam, parents of four of the 19 kids there that night.
Stephan 6 - Debora and Hodge Kerrs
Isaiah loves Stephan to death and was so glad he could come all the way from Bend just for his birthday part:) His older brother Justin was baptised that day with his best buddy, cousin Tanner.
Boys playing wall ball
Boys playing soccer
Daniel using a new technique to get a rebound.
The squatting move.
I think I was right. Can you see how excited he is to be at a new school!
I did manage to get him to smile for a picture though.
I thought it would be fun to take a picture of the shoes Isaiah wore his first day of school (If you saw my shoe closet you would know why). Daniel laughed at me when I showed him. I know boys and girls like different things, but I just couldn't resist. I love converse.
Isaiah 18 months eating steak at home
Isaiah 5 years old eating ribs at Local Boys
Emma Jumping to her daddy.
Connor jumping to his daddy.
Isaiah jumping to Uncle Adam. Honestly he doesn't need water wings. Maybe he thought he looked cool???
Stephan jumping to Uncle Adam.
Hey where did the rest of the Uncles go? Oh I remember. Hodge and Rich were working on their tans and Dallin and Daniel were avoiding the Vrtiskas as long as possible. Actually they really had to work and Hodge and Rich are both very good Uncles:)
Starting on the left: Justin, Isaiah, Tanner, Evelyn, Claire, and Jarom. These kids spent hours looking for Praying Mantis. They did a pretty good job catching them too.
More to come....