The Steve and Jenine Vrtiska family just had our second family reunion. We had a blast! This time everyone was able to make it except for Bret and Erica who had good reasons. They were back home trying to get their sweet new little boy home from Kaz (more on that later). So that means we had 21 kids. The oldest being 15 and the youngest being 1 and two months. We had 14 adults ranging from 40 to 24, and then the ones who created all this madness, Grandma and Grandpa....we don't need to state their ages, after that many children and grand kids does it really matter? Our official reunion was in Antimony, Utah and a Ranch called Rockin' R' Ranch (more on that later as well). Well we all decided 5 days wasn't' enough so most of us went early and stayed in Eden, Utah at a resort called Wolf Creek. The Preims, Kerrs, Heiners minus Dallin, Deweys minus Daniel, Mokes, and G-ma and G-pa were all there. We had a very relaxing fun time. It was super hot but luckily they had a/c and a very nice pool to play in (two things that were lacking at the Ranch). Here are a few pictures of the cousins playing around. I can't speak for my sisters but I know it is so gratifying to get together as a family and know that our kids are creating memories together that will last forever. With that said, we definitely still make sure we get our sister time as that is very important to us:)
Evelyn and Isaiah playing go fish. These two are two weeks apart and they just love each other. They spent most of their time together at Wolf Creek and I was so glad for that. Evelyn is the only girl born in the 2002 baby boom we had. Connor, Stephan, Evelyn, Isaiah, and Ethan were all born the same year. Now that they are older it gets a little tougher for Evelyn being the only girl but she does such a good job.
Justin, Isaiah, Stephan, and Evelyn waiting for golfers to tee off. They were up there for about a half an hour and only got to see one tee off. I wonder what they were talking about while they were waiting? Oh to be a fly in the bushes. :)
I love these two!!!
Evelyn was impressing us all with her gymnastic skills. I think Isaiah was the most impressed because no joke every second we were in our room or on flat ground those two were practicing their handstands. Evelyn is definitely more graceful, but Isaiah doesn't do too bad.

Next stop, Dinosaur Park. This started off as a disaster for Isaiah. He wanted nothing to do with this place. When you first walk in there is a little exhibit of different fossils and dinosaur bones surrounded by walls. Behind the walls are giant models of various dinosaurs. As soon as Isaiah walked into the exhibit room and saw the tops of the dinosaur models he wanted out. I ever so patiently tried to calm him down and get him to realize that everything was fake and he would be fine. His sweet little cousin Evelyn even stayed behind to try and get him to come in with her. It was so sweet because she was even trying to fake like she was afraid so he wouldn't feel so bad. It still didn't work. Then enters Uncle Rich, our police officer in the family. He picked up Isaiah and explained to him that he is a cop and cops are here to protect people, therefore he has nothing to be afraid of because he has Rich there to ensure his safety. Thanks Uncle Rich but still no go. I don't know how it happened but I finally got him into the model room. I was feeling very drained and wanted to bag the whole stinkin' thing, but I had many around me assuring me he needed to get through this so he could feel he conquered his fear.
After about an hour of forcing him to walk around the park we found a little pond with giant fish in it. He loves fish. They had fish food there so he and Evelyn were able to feed the fish. After that his fears were gone. It was kind of weird actually. He just decided he was having a good time and forgot all about the giant Tyrannosaurus Rex's all over the place!

I love this shot. Uncle Rich has Isaiah by the arm giving him his ,"I'm proud of you for getting through your fears pep talk." As soon as Rich released his grip Isaiah was off.
Seriously though, Thank you Rich!

Evey, Isaiah, and Claire playing in the sand at the park in the Dinosaur Park. Claire is another one of Mindy's kids that I just adore. She has quite the personality!

Kate, another one of Mindy's gems, Michele the front runner of us all riding the "purple dinosaur" as Claire puts it, and Stephan looking very sweaty like all the Kerr boys.

So as

these things tend to go, when it was time to
go, Isaiah wasn't ready to leave yet. He had spent almost 45 minutes hating the place while everyone else was enjoying it, so he was just getting started when everyone was ready to leave. I told him I would take him and Evey through one more time. It was so funny to listen to those two. They were talking all big and tough. I even got them to get a picture next to this giant model. As we were walking out Isaiah said, "Mom, do think these dinosaurs are going to come alive when we leave like the Night at the Museum?" I guess I could sort of understand his fears now knowing what he was thinking the whole time. Also when were telling him that
these dinosaurs had been dead for a very long
time his response was, "Well they can still be